发布人:高永新  发布时间:2016-10-09   浏览次数:16472
















高永新,教授,博士生导师,入选合肥工业大学“斛兵学者”和国家高层次青年人才(2020)。研究方向弹性动力学和地球电磁学,主要从事弹性波传播理论和数值模拟方法以及地震电磁场力电耦合机理研究,发展了定量模拟地震诱导电磁场的计算方法,在揭示地震电磁场特征和阐明地震电磁场产生机制取得重要进展,在《地球物理学报》、《Geophysical Research Letters》、《Geophysical Journal of International》和《Journal of Geophysical Research》等国内外著名期刊上发表SCI论文40余篇。曾获得中国地球物理学会傅承义青年科技奖、第九届刘光鼎地球物理青年科学技术奖、《Geophysical Journal of International2010年度最佳学生论文奖、哈尔滨工业大学优秀博士论文奖和安徽省自然科学优秀学术论文奖。担任中国地球物理学会地球电磁学专业委员会委员、中国地震学会地震电磁学专业委员会委员和安徽省力学学会理事会理事。






2015.04 : 合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院工程力学系,黄山青年学者特聘研究员,博士生导师













2010年获得国际权威地球物理类期刊《Geophysical Journal International》最佳学生论奖,并获得500英镑的奖励。该期刊2010年共评选出3篇最佳学生论文(2010年有6000多页,约450篇论文,其中多数是以研究生为第一作者,获奖论文是从这些论文中评选出来的)。另外两篇论文,一篇出自牛津大学地球科学学院(第一作者Andrew P. Valentine),一篇由冰岛、荷兰、美国三所大学共同完成(第一作者Judicael Decriem)。这是国际地球物理学界的一个重要奖项,颁奖仪式分别在欧洲地球物理学会EGU和美国地球物理学会AGU的年会上进行。




  l 2020年获国家高层次青年人才项目

   l 2021年获安徽省力学学会优秀教师奖

   l 2022年获合肥工业大学本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师

   l 2022年获中国地球物理学会傅承义青年科技奖(中国地球物理学会授予青年学者的最高奖项,授予过去五年在地球物理学科做出突出成绩的中国青年地球物理工作者(45岁以下),每年评选一次,每次授予5-10

   l 2022年获安徽省优秀青年研究生导师




       力学 学术硕士:



l医学超声 1-2

土木 专业硕士

l建筑、混凝土缺陷、管道等超声探测,地震动数值模拟,近地表地震波勘查, 1-2名






  l赵   杰(2020级硕博):



    l李.  婷(2023级硕博)

    l庄家鹏 (2023级博)



       l倪  书(2022级):




       l章 晨(2023级):








  l 同(2017级力学):大创






  l 晨(2016级力学):大创







  l 停(2015级力学):中科大(读研)





  l 康(2014级力学):工作


  l 鹏(2013级力学):合肥工业大学力学读研(考研)






   l 峰(2015级,获2017年国家奖学金),工作



   l 鹏(2018级):





  • λ中组部万人计划青年拔尖人才项目 (2021-2023)

  • λ合肥工业大学2021年度优秀青年人才培育计划B项目(名称:横向各向同性孔隙地层震电波场理论和模型实验研究,2021-2023,项目编号:JZ2021HGPB0058

  • λ国家自然科学基金面上项目(名称:横观各向同性孔隙介质中地震-电磁耦合波场理论模拟和模型实验研究,2022-2025,项目编号:42174084

  • λ国家自然科学基金面上项目(名称:复杂孔隙地层中动电效应诱导的地震电磁场数值模拟研究,2018-2021,项目编号:41774048

  • λ国家自然科学基金面上项目(名称:地震发电机效应诱导的地震电磁场研究,2015-2018,项目编号41474038

  • λ国家自然科学基金青年项目(名称:地震电磁场的特征及其在地震预警中的应用探讨,2013-2015,项目编号:41204039

  • λ合肥工业大学2018年度科学前沿创新专项一般项目(名称:震电耦合波场理论模拟和观测资料对比研究,2018-2019,项目编号:PA2018GDQT0008

  • λ企业合作项目:(名称:某测量雷达的模态测试与伺服响应测试分析,2020-2022

  • λ中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(名称:地震诱导的电磁场的数值模拟及其特征分析,2012-2013,项目编号:No. 2012M511413)

  • λ中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目(名称:复杂地层中地震同震电磁场和辐射电磁波的特征研究,2013-2014,项目编号:No.2013T60617

  • λ中国科学技术大学青年创新基金(名称:地震发电机效应诱导的电磁场研究,2014-2015,编号WK2080000055

  • λ国家重点研发计划项目课题(公共安全专项), 应急资源灾害环境适应性综合评价技术及社会化服务体系研究, 课题骨干(与专题负责人同级),107


  • λ2022安徽省力学教学成果奖二等奖(4/5



  • λ高永新,王冬冬,2023,一种基于震电效应的勘探方法,ZL202110003195.5,已授权。

  • λ柏晓东,杨庆超,姚程,高永新,2023,土木、水利和海洋工程室内模型实验槽用土面平整装置,ZL202210316731.1,已授权

  • λ高永新,赵杰,周官群,胡雄武,柏晓东,浦玉学,姚程,2024,一种压电效应诱导产生地震电磁场的正演方法,已授权(202410231756.0)


  1. 1)高永新,蒋遥畅,周官群,胡雄武,柏晓东,浦玉学,姚程,2023,一种水平分层双重孔隙介质中点源激发地震波场的正演方法,实审中,申请号(202310062937.0)

  2. 2)高永新,程千里,周官群,胡雄武,浦玉学,姚程,柏晓东,2023,一种VTI孔隙介质震电波场的正演方法,实审中,申请号((202310059086.4)

  3. 3)高永新,刘娇阳,周官群,柏晓东,孟增,姚程,2023,基于震电信号的地层成像方法,实审中,申请号(202410764286.4)

  4. 4)高永新,倪书、王德才,周官群、柏晓东、孟增、浦玉学、姚程、李孝宝,一种基于全覆盖线源的套筒灌浆缺陷的检测方法

  5. 5)高永新,李婷、周官群、孟增、浦玉学、姚程、柏晓东、李孝宝,余波,一种基于水平分层大气-地层模型的地震点源激发大气声重波的正演方法。


  1. 高永新,付元彬,2022,Booni弹性波数值模拟可视化软件



  1. 1.期刊论文:


  1. 1.Yaochang Jiang, Yongxin Gao*, Dongdong Wang, Yongjia Song, Guanqun Zhou, Cheng Yao  (2025), Modelling of two-dimensional seismic waves in double-porosity media using the frequency-domain finite-element method, Geophysical Journal International. 240, 400–425

  2. 2.Qianli Cheng, Yongxin Gao*, Guanqun Zhou, Chieh-Hung Chen, Dongdong Wang, Cheng Yao (2025). Expected electromagnetic response from natural earthquakes in a layered ocean model. Geophysical Journal International 240(3): 1667-1689.

  3. 3.Huan Rao, ChiehHung Chen, Guojie Meng, Jing Liu, YangYi Sun , Kai Lin, Yongxin Gao, Yuriy Rapoport , Fei Wang, Aisa Yisimayili8, and Shengjia Zhang (2025). Relationship between TEC perturbations and Rayleigh waves associated with 2023 Turkey earthquake doublet. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 130, e2024JA033267. https://doi.org/10. 1029/2024JA033267


  1. 4.Jie Zhao, Yongxin Gao*, Qianli Cheng. Guanqun Zhou, Chieh-Hung Chen, Xuemin Zhang, Yang-yi Sun. Numerical simulation of electromagnetic responses to an earthquake source due to the piezoelectric effect of ‘∞m’ symmetry. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB027756

  2. 5.Nolan Roth*, Tieyuan Zhu*, Yongxin Gao* (2024). Characterizing liquid water in deep Martian aquifers: A seismoelectric approach. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 129, e2024JE008292.

  3. 6.Yongxin Gao, Shuaijia Li, Dongdong Wang, Guanqun Zhou*, Xiongwu Hu, Xiao He (2024). Seismoelectric Response to a Point Source during Coal Seam Excavation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.62: 1-9

  4. 7.Hanshu Chen, Yongxin Gao, Dixiong Yang, Zeng Meng,*, Zhuojia Fu,* A novel weight index-based uniform partition technique of multi-dimensional probability space for structural  uncertainty quantification, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2024,  431, 117297.

  5. 8.Dongdong Wang, Yongxin Gao*, Guanqun Zhou, Yaochang Jiang, Modeling of 2D seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous porous media: a frequency-domain finite-element method formulated by variational principles, Geophysical Journal International, 2024;, ggae331, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggae331

  6. 9.Jiaoyang Liu, Yongxin Gao*, Jun Wang, Tieyuan Zhu, Pinbo Ding, Guanqun Zhou, Shuaijia Li.  (2024).Seismoelectric imaging of aquifer interface: Theoretical Investigation and laboratory experiments. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL112534


  1. 10.JunWang, Yongxin Gao#(共一), Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu (2023), Identification of the seismoelectric field induced by slow compressional wave at ultrasonic frequency, Geophysics88(5), 1-34

  2. 11.Qianli Cheng, Yongxin Gao*, Guanqun Zhou, Chieh-Hung Chen, Dongdong Wang, Cheng Yao (2023), Seismoelectric waves generated by a point source in horizontally stratified VTI porous media, Geophysics, 88(2),1-16

  3. 12.Yongxin Gao*,Ting Li, Guanqun Zhou, Chieh-Hung Cheng, Yang-yi Sun, Xuemin Zhang, Jann-Yenq Liu, Jian Wen, Cheng Yao, Xiaodong Bai (2023), Acoustic-gravity waves generated by a point source on the ground in a stratified atmosphere-Earth structure, Geophysical Journal International, 232(2), 764-787

  4. 13.Dongdong Wang, Yongxin Gao*, Guanqun Zhou, Ping Tong, Qianli Cheng, Cheng Yao, Xiaodong Bai (2023), Finite-element modelling of seismoelectric and electroseismic waves in frequency domain: 2-D SHTE mode, Geophysical Journal International, 234(3), 2306-2327

  5. 14.Ting Li, Yongxin Gao*, Chieh-Hung Chen, Xuemin Zhang, Yang-Yi Sun (2023), Ionospheric Disturbances Observed over China after 15 January 2022 Tonga Volcano Eruption, Geophysical Journal International, 235(1), 909–919,

  6. 15.Yaochang Jiang, Yongxin Gao*, Qianli Cheng, Yongjia Song (2023), Semi-analytical simulation of seismic waves generated by a point source in 1D layered halfspace of double-porosity media, Geophysical Journal International, 235(1): 970-995, 

  7. 16.Kai Lin Zhiqiang Mao, Ziniu Xu, Lei Dong, Xuemin Zhang, Yongxin Gao and Chieh-Hung Chen, 2023. Numerical Solution of the Atmospheric Perturbations Triggered by Persistent Lithospheric Vibrations, Remote Sensing, 15(13), 3336

  8. 17.Xiaodong Bai, Xiang Ma, Wei Zhang, Yongxin Gao, Anxin Guo (2023), Multi-layered turbulence structure of flow under free surface of open channel flow using velocity–vorticity correlation structure method. Physics of Fluids, 35(5): 055113

  9. 18.Zhiqiang Mao, Chieh-Hung Chen, Aisa Yisimayili, Bin Chen, Jiehao Yuan, Yongxin Gao, Yang-Yi Sun, Kai Lin (2023) Continental-Scale Investigation of Underlying Electrical Conductivity Structure in Mainland China Using Geomagnetic Data. Remote Sensing, 2023, 15(5): 1375


  1. 19.ChiehHung Chen, YangYi Sun, Xuemin Zhang, Fei Wang, Kai Lin, Yongxin Gao, ChiChia Tang,  Jun Lyu,  Rong Huang,· Qian Huang (2022), Farfield Coupling and Interactions in Multiple Geospheres After the Tonga Volcano Eruptions, Survey in Geophysics, 44:587-601

  2. 20.Dongdong Wang, Shucheng Wu, Tianjue Li, Tong, Ping*, Yongxin Gao* (2022), Elongated Magma Plumbing System beneath the Coso Volcanic Field, California, Constrained by Seismic Reflection Tomography, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127(6): e2021JB023582.

  3. 21.ChiehHung Chen, YangYi Sun, Rui Xu, Kai Lin, Fei Wang, Dixin Zhang, Yulin Zhou, Yongxin Gao, Xuemin Zhang, Huaizhong Yu (2022). Resident waves in the ionosphere before the M6. 1 Dali and M7. 3 Qinghai earthquakes of 21–22 May 2021, Earth and Space Science, 9(2): e2021EA002159.

  4. 22.Chieh-Hung Chen, Xuemin Zhang, Yang-Yi Sun, Fei Wang, Tien-Chi Liu, Chi-Yen Lin, Yongxin Gao, Jun Lyu, Xiaobing Jin, Xiaoli Zhao (2022). Individual Wave Propagations in Ionosphere and Troposphere Triggered by the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Underwater Volcano Eruption on 15 January 2022, Remote Sensing, 14(9): 2179.

  5. 23.ChiehHung Chen, YangYi Sun, Xuemin Zhang, Yongxin Gao, Fei Wang, Kai Lin,ChiChia Tang, Rong Huang, Rui Xu, Jing Liu, Yali Wang, Cong Chen (2022). Resonant signals in the lithosphere–atmosphere–ionosphere coupling, Scientific reports, 12(1): 1-6.

  6. 24.Ahmed Seddik Kasdi, Abderrezak Bouzid, Mohamed Hamoudi, Yongxin Gao (2022), Numerical modeling of the co-seismic electromagnetic signals observed during the 2014 Mw 4.9 Hammam Melouane earthquake, Northern Algeria. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 206, 104840.


  1. 25.Jie Zhao, Yongxin Gao*, Ji Tang, Simon L. Klemperer, Jian Wen, Chieh-Hung Chen, & Jiajun Chong* (2021). Electromagnetic field generated by an earthquake source due to motional induction in 3D stratified media, and application to 2008 Mw6.1 Qingchuan earthquake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(10), e2021JB022102. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB022102  (202111)

  2. 26.Dongdong Wang, Yongxin Gao*, Ping Tong, Jun Wang*, Cheng Yao, Baozhen Wang (2021), Electroseismic and seismoelectric responses at irregular interfaces, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 202,108513, (20217)

  3. 27.Yongxin Gao*, Peng Jiang, Yixian Xu, Li Jiang, Chieh-Hung Cheng, Guoze Zhao, Ji Tang, Xiaobin Chen, Bin Han, Jiajun Chong, Cheng Yao* (2021), On magnetic disturbances induced by rotation of coil-type magnetometer driven by seismic waves, Geophysical Journal International, 226(3), 1948-1974, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggab190(20215)

  4. 28.Jun Wang, Zhenya Zhu, Wei Guan*, Yongxin Gao, Xiaorong Wu (2021), Experimental studies on the mechanism of seismoelectric logging while drilling with multipole source, Geophysical Journal International, 225 (1):445-455,(20214月)

  5. 29.Chieh-Hung Chen, Jing-Yi Lin, Yongxin Gao, Cheng-Horng Lin, Peng Han, Chun-Rong Chen, Li-Ching Lin, Rong Huang, Jann-Yenq Liu (2021). Magnetic pulsations triggered by microseismic ground motion,Journal Geophysical Research. Solid Earth,126(3), e2020JB02141620213月)

  6. 30.Xuemin Zhang, Yalu Wang, Yongxin Gao, and Jing Liu (2021), Electromagnetic disturbances induced by nuclear tests in North Korea, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. 32, 21-33, doi: 10.3319/ TAO.2020.11.24.01 20212月)

  7. 31.Junhua Sun, Yongxin Gao*, Ping Tong, Xiao He, Wei Wang, Shuwei Geng (2021), Seismic responses to an earthquake source in stratified transversely isotropic porous media, Geophysical Prospecting, 69:336-1357, https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2478.13100

  8. 32.Yongjia Song , Hengshan Hu, Jun Wang, Yongxin Gao (2021), Scattering problems for a rectangular crack in a saturated porous material: application of the Chebyshev's functions, Waves in Random and Complex Media, doi:10.1080/17455030.2021.1895453 20213月)

  9. 33.Chieh-Hung Chen., Yangyi Sun, Kai Lin, Chen Zhou, Rui Xu, Haiying Qing, Yongxin Gao, Tao Chen, Fei Wang, HuaiZhong Yu, Peng Han, Chi Chia Tang, Xiaoning Su, Xueming Zhang, Linguo Yuan, Yixian Xu, Jann-Yenq Liu, Shuankuan Yu (2021). A New Instrumental Array in Sichuan, China, to Monitor Vibrations and Perturbations of the Lithosphere, Atmosphere, and Ionosphere. Surveys in Geophysics. 42:1425–1442. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10712-021-09665-1 202110月)


  1. 34.Yongxin Gao*, Guoze Zhao*, Jiajun Chong, Simon L. Klemperer, Bing Han, Feng Jiang, Jian Wen, Xiaobin Chen, Yan Zhan, Ji Tang, Qibin Xiao, Lifeng Wang (2020), Coseismic electric and magnetic signals observed during 2017 Jiuzhaigou Mw 6.5 earthquake and explained by electrokinetics and magnetometer rotation, Geophysical Journal International, 223(2):1130–1143,202011月)

  2. 35.Dongdong Wang, Yongxin Gao*, Cheng Yao, Baozhen Wang, Mengqiang Wang (2020), Seismoelectric and electroseismic responses to a point source in a marine stratified model, Geophysical Prospecting, 68(6): 1958-1979, doi.org/10.1111/1365-2478.12948, (20207)

  3. 36.Jun Wang, Zhenya Zhu, Yongxin Gao*, Dale Morgan, Hengshan Hu (2020), Measurements of the seismoelectric responses in a synthetic porous rock, Geophysical Journal International, 222(1): 436-448(20207)

  4. 37.高玉涛,高永新*,何晓,王军,姚程(2020)含起伏地形地层中点源激发的震电响应研究,地球物理学报63(5), 2069-2083. Yutao Gao, Yongxin Gao, Xiao He, Jun Wang, Cheng Yao (2019), Seismoelectric response to a point source in the media with undulating topography, Chinese Journal Geophysics (in Chinse), 63(5): 2069-2083.

  5. 38.Chieh-Hung Chen*, Li-Ching Lin, Ta-Kang Yeh, Strong Wen, Huaizhong Yu, Chen Yu,Yongxin GaoPeng Han, Yang-Yi Sun, Jann-Yenq Liu, Cheng-Horng Lin, Chi-Chia Tang, Che-Min Lin, Hung-Hao Hsieh, Pin-Ji Lu (2020), Determination of Epicenters before Earthquakes Utilizing Far Seismic and GNSS Data: Insights from Ground Vibrations,Remote Sensing. 12, 3252; doi:10.3390/rs12193252 202010月)

  6. 39.Chieh-Hung Chen, Yang-Yi Sun, Strong Wen, Peng Han, Li-Ching Lin, Huaizhong Yu, Xuemin Zhang, Yongxin Gao, Chi-Chia Tang, Cheng-Horng Lin, and Jann-Yenq Liu (2020), Spatiotemporal changes of seismicity rate during earthquakes, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 20(12):3333-3341, doi:10.5194/nhess-20-3333-2020. 20209月)


  1. 40.Yongxin Gao*, Dongdong Wang, Jian Wen, Hengshan Hu, Xiaofei Chen, Cheng Yao (2019a), Electromagnetic responses to an earthquake source due to the motional induction effect in a 2D layered model, Geophysical Journal International, 219(1): 563-593. doi:10.1093/gji/ggz303, (201910)

  2. 41.Yongxin Gao*, Dongdong Wang, Cheng Yao, Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu, Jian Wen, Wei Zhang, Ping Tong, Qingjie Yang (2019b). Simulation of seismoelectric waves using finite-difference frequency-domain method: 2D SHTE mode, Geophysical Journal International, 216(1): 414-438 (20191)

  3. 42.Yongxin Gao*, Mengqiang Wang, Hengshan Hu Xiaofei Chen ( 2017a).  Seismoelectric responses to an explosive source in a fluid above a fluid-saturated porous medium, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122, 7190–7218, doi:10.1002/2016JB013703 (20179)

  4. 43.Yongxin Gao*, Feng Huang, Hengshan Hu (2017b). Comparison of full and quasi-static seismoelectric analytically-based modeling, Journal of Geophysical Research:solid earth, 122, 8066–8106, doi:10.1002/2017JB014251 (201710)

  5. 44.Yongxin Gao*, Jerry M. Harris, Jian Wen, Yihe Huang, Cedric Twardzik, Xiaofei Chen, and Hengshan Hu (2016), Modeling of the coseismic electromagnetic fields observed during the 2004 Mw 6.0 Parkfield earthquake, Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 620–627, doi:10.1002/2015GL067183. (20161)

  6. 45.Yongxin Gao, Xiaofei Chen*, Hengshan Hu, Jian Wen, Ji Tang, Guoqin Fang (2014). Induced electromagnetic field by seismic wave in earth's magnetic field. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119, 5651–5685, doi:10.1002/2014JB010962 20147月)

  7. 46.Yongxin Gao*, Xiaofei Chen, Hengshan Hu and Jie Zhang (2013a). Early electromagnetic           waves from earthquake rupturing: I.Theoretical formulations. Geophysical Journal International, 192, 1288~1307 20133月)

  8. 47.Yongxin Gao*, Xiaofei Chen, Hengshan Hu and Jie Zhang (2013b). Early electromagnetic waves from earthquake rupturing: II.Validation and numerical experiments., Geophysical Journal International, 192, 1308~132320133月)

  9. 48.Hengshan Hu* and Yongxin Gao (2011).. Electromagnetic Field Generated by a Finite Fault Due to Electrokinetic Effect. Journal Geophysical Reseach. Solid Earth. 116, B08302, doi:10.1029/2010JB007958. (该论文在博士期间完成,第一作者是本人的导师)(20118月)

  10. 49.Yongxin Gao and Hengshan Hu* (2010). Seismoelectromagnetic waves radiated by a double couple source in a porous medium. Geophysical Journal International 181: 873~896(获该期刊2010年度Student Author Award ) 201051

  11. 50.高永新, 胡恒山*(2009), 水平分层孔隙介质中点源激发的震电波场的数值模拟及分析.地球物理学报, 52(8): 2093-2104  Yongxin Gao and Hengshan Hu. Numerical simulation and analysis of seismoelectromagnetic wave fields excited by a point source in layered porous   media, Chinese Journal Geophysics (in Chinse), 2009, 52(8), 2093~2104. 20098月)



  1. 1.Yongxin Gao, Ionospheric Disturbances Observed Over China After 2022 Jan 15 Tonga Volcano Eruption, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 2023 meeting, 2023.7.29-2023.8.5, Singapore (Invited talk)

  2. 2.高永新Simulation of ionospheric disturbances induced by acoustic-gravity waves generated by an earthquake source “卫星地震观测技术与应用”2023学术研讨会暨张衡一号电磁卫星第六届国际学术研讨会(大会主题报告)

  3. 3.高永新,地震诱导电磁扰动的动电效应机理和数值模拟,第一届波动力学前沿与应用学术会议,北京(特邀报告)

  4. 4.高永新Seismoelectric waves in VTI porous media2023(国际地下空间大会和第二届地下空间探测大会,徐州(特邀报告)

  5. 5.高永新,基于震电效应的岩石界面成像实验研究,第三届损伤与断裂力学及其工程应用研讨会,合肥(特邀报告)

  6. 6.高永新,地震激发大气声重波数值模拟,2023年安徽省力学科研与教学研讨会,黄山(邀请报告)

  7. 7.高永新,水平分层双孔介质地震波模拟,第5 SEG 岩石物理与地下流体检测国际研讨会,南京(邀请报告)

  8. 8.高永新,含海水分层模型震电波场研究:理论模拟和室内岩石模型实验,2023年地球能源科学国际学术会议,重庆(特邀报告)


  1. 9.高永新,地表点源激发的大气声重波数值模拟,2022 年川西南空间效应探测与用实验室学术年会暨第四届跨圈层垂向扰动观测技术研讨会,2022.11.11,线上,邀请报告


  1. 10.高永新,王冬冬,王军,项洪亮,胡恒山,陈晓非,含海水地层震电波场研究:理论模拟和室内模型实验,2021.07.17-19,第十五届中国国际地球电磁学术研讨会,中国长春,大会青年论坛邀请报告

  2. 11.高永新,王冬冬,2021地球物理多学科交叉前沿论坛,2PSVTM模式震电波场频率差分模拟,2021.12.17-19,中国长沙,邀请报告


  1. 12.Yongxin Gao, Dongdong Wang, Electroseismic and seismoelectric responses at irregular interface, 9th International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 2020.10.11-11.14, Changchun,

  2. 13.高永新,高玉涛,何晓,王军, 姚程,含起伏地表和地下界面地层中点源激发的震电响应,2020年中国地球科学联合学术年会,2020.10.18-21,中国重庆,口头报告

  3. 14.高永新,王冬冬,含不规则界面地层中震电和电震响应研究, SEG岩石物理与地下流体检测国际研讨会,中国南京,邀请报告


  1. 15.高永新,王冬冬,不规则界面震电和电震响应研究. 2019年度全国检测声学和第10届全国储层声学与深部钻测技术前沿联合会议,2019.10.31-2019.11.2,中国武汉

  2. 16.Yongxin Gao, Dongdong Wang, Finite-difference frequency-domain method for seismoelectric modelling: 2D SHTE mode, 2ndSEG Rock Physics Workshop: Challenges in Deep and Unconventional Oil/Gas Exploration, 2019.10.25-27Qingdao, China, 邀请报告

  3. 17.Yongxin Gao, Guoze ZhaoJiajun ChongBing HanJian WenYan ZhanFeng Jiang Coseismic electric and magnetic signals observed during the 2017 Jiuzhaigou M7.0 earthquake and its possible mechanism,The 14-th China International Geo-Electromagnetism Workshop2019.8.26-2019.8.29, Xuzhou, China 

  4. 18.高永新,赵国泽,崇家军,韩冰,文健,詹艳,姜峰,2017年九寨沟7.0级地震同震电磁机理研究,中国地震学会成立40周年学术大会,2019.8.13-17,中国大连

  5. 19.Yongxin Gao, Dongdong Wang,Cheng Yao,Wei Guan ,Hengshan Hu, Jian Wen, Wei Zhang, Ping Tong and Qingjie Yang(2019). Simulation of the coupled seismic and electromagnetic waves using finite-difference frequency-domain method: 2D SHTE mode, China-Sweden geo-electromagneticforward modeling (inversion) workshopat Central South University2019.5.23-5.25


  1. 20.高永新,胡恒山,陈晓非(2018), 地震诱导电磁场现象和基于动电效应的解释中国地震学会地震电磁学专业委员会 2018年年会暨地震电磁探测新技术进展与应用研讨会,2018.09.03,中国丹东(邀请报告)

  2. 21.Yongxin Gao, Jian Wen, Xiaofei Chen, Hengshan Hu (2018), Electromagnetic responses to an earthquake source due to the motional induction effect in a 2D layered structure, International Conference for the Decade Memory of the Wenchuan Earthquake, 2018.05.12, Chengdu, China (Oral talk)

  3. 22.Yongxin Gao, Jian Wen, Xiaofei Chen, Hengshan Hu,  Electromagnetic responses to an earthquake source due to the motional induction effect in a 2D layered structure, 2018 Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, Chiba, 2018.5.20-2016.5.24(Oral talk)

  4. 23.Yongxin Gao, Xiaofei ChenHengshan Hu (2017) On the motional-induction effect and its induced electromagnetic fields during an earthquake 4-th International Workshop on Earthquake Preparation Process 2017- Observation, Validation, Modeling, Forecasting, Chiba, Japan, 2017.5.26-2017.5.27 (Invited talk)

  5. 24.王冬冬高永新 (2017) 二维SHTE 模式震电耦合波场的频域有限差分数值模拟研究,中国地球科学联合学术年会,北京,2017, 2017.10.15-2017.10.18 (口头报告)

  6. 25.Yongxin Gao, Hengshan Hu, Xiaofei Chen (2016), Earthquake-induced electromagnetic field due to electrokinetic effect, 2016 Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, Chiba, 2016.5.22-2016.5.26 (invited paper)

  7. 26.Yongxin Gao, Hengshan Hu, Xiaofei Chen (2016), Modeling of the electromagnetic signals generated by an earthquake rupture and its application to observed data, IUGG-EMSEV Workshop, Lanzhou, 2016.8.23-2016.8.25 (Oral talk)

  8. 27.Yongxin Gao, Jerry M. Harris , Jian Wen, Xiaofei Chen and Hengshan Hu, Modeling of the Coseismic Electromagnetic Field Observed during the 28 September 2004, M 6.0 Parkfield Earthquake. American Geophysical Union 2014 Fall Meeting, 2014.12.09-14, San Francisco (Poster)

  9. 28.Yongxin Gao, Xiaofei Chen, Hengshan Hu, Jian Wen, Earthquake-induced electromagnetic disturbances arising from the motional induction effect, American Geophysical Union 2013 Fall Meeting, 2013.12.09-13, San Francisco, (Oral talk)

  10. 29.高永新, Jerry M. Harris; 文健陈晓非胡恒山,加州圣安地列斯断层区域同震电磁信号分析,2014年中国地球科学联合学术年会,中国北京(口头报告)

  11. 30.高永新,陈晓非,胡恒山,地震电磁信号的动生电磁感应机制,中国地震学会地震电磁学专业委员会 2013年年会暨学术研讨会,2013-08-10,银川(口头报告)

  12. 31.高永新,陈晓非,胡恒山,张捷基于动电效应机制的地震电磁波的特征研究,中国地球物理学会2012届年会,中国北京(口头报告)

  13. 32.Zhi. Wang, Wei Guan, YongxinGao and Hengshan Hu. 2-D FDTD computation of seismoelectric fields excited by an underground double couple in a horizontally layered formation, EGU General Assembly 2012,Vienna,Austria

  14. 33.胡恒山,高永新. 有限断层激发的震电波场研究,中国地球物理学会第二十六届年会,中国宁波,2010(口头报告)

  15. 34.Hengshan Hu and Yongxin Gao. The electric field induced by the fast P-wave and its nonexistence in a dynamically compatible porous medium, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2009, 2170-2174. (RP P1)

  16. 35.胡恒山,高永新水平分层孔隙介质中点源激发的震电波场的模拟,中国力学学会学术大会,中国郑州,2009(口头报告)

  17. 36.高永新,胡恒山孔隙介质中几种点源激发的震电波场,中国地球物理学会第二十五届年会,中国合肥,2009(口头报告)

